

Elevate and Protect Your Brand's Message and Perception

Every business has stakeholders.  These are its customers, its neighbors, shareholders, suppliers, employees, the government and its agencies, and any other party that is concerned with the enterprise’s actions and their effects.  Stakeholder relations and brand advocacy are the activities organizations engage in to cultivate and improve relationships with their stakeholders and to positively influence the perception of the company brand.

Companies depend on their ability to peacefully engage in the daily operation of business in the many locations in which they operate.  In today’s world of pervasive digital communication, news of an accident or company misstep can be transmitted nearly instantaneously around the world, causing a potential firestorm of bad press, anger and resentment among stakeholders. Everyone who wears your logo should be trained on how to properly respond to the situations they face and proudly advocate for the brand.

Alicomm International stakeholder relations and brand advocacy programs prepare every representative of the enterprise-- employees and contractors alike-- to safely and correctly engage with stakeholders that they encounter on and off the job.  Your people want and deserve to have the tools they need to confidently face any question that arises.

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