Damage Done: Costly Consequences of Careless E-Communication
E-communication simplifies our lives both professionally and personally, but also opens the door for legal scrutiny, liability and irreversible brand damage. One ‘smoking gun email’ can cost an organization millions of dollars during an investigation or legal proceeding, ruin careers and trash reputations. Employees within every organization need clearly defined safeguards: the aligned policies, protocols and tools needed to adopt more professional and appropriate electronic behavior.
Electronic communication safety training defines the legal guidelines, cloud storage realities and real-world vulnerabilities of texting, email, social media usage and other e-communication in the workplace. With appropriate training, employers and employees can better protect themselves and learn best practices about e-communication.
Defining the guidelines and legal vulnerabilities of texting, email and other re-communication in the workplace. Case-studies show best and worst practices. Develop protocols and behaviors around appropriate, professional e-communication. Legal and e-discovery experts detail the law, policies and realities of how our information is stored, saved and accessed.