Having business vision is one thing. Knowing how to articulate it, align it to the brand promise, and ultimately steer your organization to completion of its strategic objectives is another.
Alicomm International courses get to the heart of why and how we communicate, explores what good communication looks like, and discusses why this important skill is so essential to the success of both individuals and businesses alike.
Alicomm International programs begin with the basics around target audiences, brand aspirations, messages, and how to articulate them strategically. Throughout the process, our trainers speak to clients’ communication pain points - such as use of wordy narratives that lose audiences - and address their key areas for growth. In doing so, we employ and model our own methodologies. Our expert trainers speak to our clients’ concerns and feelings with a focus on active listening, answering with empathy, and helping each individual grow their personal brand.
When the stakes rise and conversations take on a measure of extra pressure, delivering the right message becomes even more important. Anticipating these situations, Alicomm International training puts participants in the “hot seat” where they must quickly craft issue-relevant messages and role play various scenarios such as high-stakes conversations, unplanned media encounters, or short-notice presentations.
alicomm international programs

Stakeholder Relations—
Building Brand Ambassadors
For organizations around the country or around the world, building community relationships and protecting the license to operate within these communities is essential. Every person related to the operation becomes a de facto brand ambassador. But not everyone knows how to manage hard questions from confrontational neighbors or NGOs, media encounters, or social media risks when the heat is on. Stakeholder relations communication training gives remote teams (and contractors) the needed tools to protect the corporate brand with empathy and good will.

Media Training
Media engagement and management is essential to engage customers and stakeholders, share scientific breakthroughs, perform community outreach, enhance shareholder value, and manage the corporation’s image. Professionals must practice and hone skills with outside-the-corporation coaches to prepare for the actual media encounter. As traditional media coverage evolves, an organization’s representatives need not only traditional media engagement training, but also awareness and dexterity around the issues of brand protection and unplanned or unauthorized media engagements (aka citizen journalism).

Crisis Media Training
Bad things happen to good companies. Companies must prepare for a crisis before it happens. Every contributor in the enterprise requires periodic crisis communication training to protect the brand and convey – with care and concern – the company’s commitment to people, the asset, and the environment.

Presentation Skills Workshop
Communication is essential to the success of every employee and the organization. Presenting with clarity and confidence is an enormous challenge for most business professionals - at all levels in the organization. Most people are uncomfortable presenting and shy away from growing this essential business and leadership skill. But at some point, everyone must communicate their story, whether to one or to many. For some, a first step in the communication journey is needed to gain confidence and a better understanding of the basic principles of effective communication.

Electronic Communication Safety Training
Communication is essential to the success of every employee and the organization. Presenting with clarity and confidence is an enormous challenge for most business professionals - at all levels in the organization. Most people are uncomfortable presenting and shy away from growing this essential business/leadership skill.... but at some point, everyone must communicate their story—to one, or to many. For some, a first step in the communication journey is needed to gain confidence and a better understanding of the basic principles of effective communication.

Navigating the Guidelines and Blurred Lines of Workplace Relationships
The new realities of gender dynamics and sexual harassment have changed our norms. Many behaviors that were tolerated in the workplace are now out of bounds. Employees at every level need a reset in order to foster improved respect and a more harmonious work environment.

Executive Communication Coaching
In the business world, top or emerging leaders must have strong communication skills to win. Being smart, gifted, and full of great ideas is not enough when it comes to building your business, sharing important information and ideas, or inspiring an audience of key stakeholders. Engaging and connecting on a human level through conversation and presentation is necessary to manage relationships; build consensus; demonstrate leadership, partnership, and community care; and share the corporate vision.

Electronic Communication Safety Training “Damage Done—The Costly Consequences of Careless E‑Communication”
Electronic communication simplifies our lives both professionally and personally, but also opens the door for legal scrutiny, liability, and irreversible brand damage. One ‘smoking gun email’ can cost an organization millions of dollars during an investigation or legal proceeding, ruin careers, and trash reputations. Employees within every organization need clearly defined safeguards: the aligned policies, protocols and tools needed to adopt more professional and appropriate electronic behavior.